Posts tagged Healing Music
A World in Need of Music

Thank you for taking a moment to read this post. My purpose is to draw your attention to the importance of Music. I would say 'especially at a time like this,' but I would be in error: music is always of the essence. 

I do think it's worth taking a moment, though, to appreciate the great application of music in this moment, as we try to come to terms with the violence around the world. I had occasion to do so when, following the attacks in Paris, I was given the privilege of making music with other people, for other people. I felt the deep healing power of sound as it passed from a lute to my ears and body. I felt waves of ecstasy as voices on stage entered my field. And I heard the stunned silence of the audience as Music overwhelmed their pained bodies and minds and gave space for Truth, Release and Rejoicing. 

Music has an unparalleled ability to integrate the human being: body, mind and soul. Is it no surprise the attackers in France chose a concert for their target? They wished to strip us of our very humanity.

I don't know what the solution is to our current dilemma. But one thing I do know is this: We need music more than ever. As musicians vie to receive the valuing they deserve for bringing beauty to the World, hug a musician! (Hugging anybody would be grand). Invite a musician to give a concert in your home or sanctuary! Buy a concert ticket or recording and soak in its majesty.

We may not now know the answers to our desperate questions, but share my faith- some of them will be answered simply through our association with music. It holds a Power beyond all our imaginings. Let it have its way.